Attention: We are not a crisis center. If you are experiencing a crisis, please contact a national crisis center with trained professionals or contact your local emergency services.

Resource Overview

The World is a big place, but the Internet is much bigger. As a single website operating in these large arenas, we have done our best to supply our visitors with a list of helpful resources. While it is a large list we understand that this list will never be exhaustive.

If a resource is missing from your state, we strongly encourage you to contact us with the appropriate information about the resource. If we can verify the authenticity of the resource, and feel as though it is a good fit for our list, we'll add it.

Resources by State

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  • the is not created by us for you; it is created by you, for all. We aspire to serve as a reputable guide to the LGBT* community, and at our core, provide a positive outlook for the future.

    Read our full Mission Statement here.

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