October 10, 2019
Pardon our absence -- we've been hard at work behind the scenes. Our last news release announced our approval with the IRS as a recognized non-profit organization. In that time, we began working on monetary donations through Facebook. Our organization is small but we have seen a global impact from our services and your stories.
In an effort to remain transparent we want to share what we are working on.
- Donations through Facebook (100% of donations come to our organization and Facebook doesn't take any commission)
- Amazon Smile donations and information on how to donate
- Kwik Trip donations through their charitable giving process
- Guides for anyone and everyone
- Expansion of our resource listings (our volunteers have been hard at work to complete the second wave of outreach)
- Marketing materials
- Website enhancements including story filtering based on tags
- Social outreach to obtain more stories
Thank you for your continual support as we continue to build our resources and stories.